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Credit Cards

secured credit cards

What Are Secured Credit Cards and How Do They Work?

by Jason Steele
Updated on March 7, 2023
6 Min Read
Secured credit cards are intended to help people with poor or limited credit history build or rebuild their credit score in order to access other forms of credit.
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What Is a Balance Transfer and How Does It Work?

by Jessica Martel
Updated on August 8, 2022
5 Min Read
What is a balance transfer, and should you use a balance transfer as part of your debt repayment plan?
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How Does Credit Card Interest Work

by Jason Steele
Updated on August 1, 2022
4 Min Read
Credit card interest is the amount that you pay for borrowing money. To avoid credit card interest, you can pay off your entire balance each month.
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Debit Card vs. Credit Card

by Catherine Hiles
Updated on January 13, 2022
6 Min Read
Debit and credit cards each have their advantages and disadvantages, but both are useful to keep in your wallet as long as you use them responsibly.
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How Many Credit Cards Should You Have?

by Holly Johnson
Updated on August 1, 2022
6 Min Read
Carrying multiple credit cards can help you maximize rewards and cardholder perks, but there are some serious pitfalls to be aware of.
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How to Apply for a Credit Card

by Jason Steele
Updated on July 18, 2022
6 Min Read
Applying for a credit card can be stressful. Compare your credit to a card’s requirements beforehand to have a better chance of getting approved.
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Can You Pay a Credit Card With a Credit Card

by Jason Steele
Updated on July 17, 2022
6 Min Read
There are ways to pay credit card bills with another credit card. Using a balance transfer card may save you money on debt that would otherwise accrue interest.
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