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How to invest a million dollars

by Lee Huffman
Updated on January 13, 2022
6 Min Read
With $1 million to invest, you have a wide variety of investments to choose from. We've covered seven broad categories of investment options for you to consider.
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Best Investment Tracking Apps of 2022

by Holly Johnson
Updated on January 2, 2022
7 Min Read
The best investment tracking apps can help you save time as you oversee your portfolio. Find out which investment apps offer the best features, as well as which ones offer a free version you can try out.
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How to Invest in Index Funds

by Roger Wohlner
Updated on March 7, 2023
7 Min Read
Index mutual funds and ETFs track a specific stock or bond market index. These are passive, generally low cost funds that offer a number of advantages.
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by Roger Wohlner
Updated on March 7, 2023
5 Min Read
Both the CFA and CFP designations are widely respected designations within the financial services industry. Holders of each have demonstrated the willingness and ability to satisfy the educational and other requirements to earn the designation, as well as the ability to pass the exams.
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Day Trading vs. Swing Trading

by Roger Wohlner
Updated on January 13, 2022
4 Min Read
Day trading and swing trading are two approaches to short-term trading in stocks, currencies and commodities. Both strategies involve risk and commitment in order to be successful.
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Active vs. Passive Investing: What's the Difference?

by Roger Wohlner
Updated on January 13, 2022
6 Min Read
Both active and passive investing styles can have a place in your portfolio. It’s important to understand the differences in order to make good investing decisions for your situation.
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10 Best Investing Podcasts For Any Investor

by Jen Smith
Updated on January 13, 2022
6 Min Read
Looking to learn more about investing? Podcasts offer something for everyone. Here are the best investing podcasts in every investing niche.
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Best Robo-Advisors of 2022

by Eric Rosenberg
Updated on October 27, 2022
6 Min Read
Robo-advisors are financial platforms that automatically assign your investments to expertly-designed portfolios. Find the best robo-advisors here.
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How to Invest in ETFs

by Jennifer G Gregory
Updated on December 13, 2021
5 Min Read
Investors of all experience levels – beginners and people who have been investing for years – often turn to exchange-traded funds (ETFs) for their ease of investing and potential gains.
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How to Invest in Stocks a Step-by-Step Guide

by Chris Muller
Updated on January 13, 2022
12 Min Read
If you're thinking about investing in stocks, but you don't know where to start, this step-by-step guide will take you through how to invest in stocks
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How to invest $100K

by Roger Wohlner
Updated on March 13, 2022
9 Min Read
There are a number of options for investing $100,000. Be sure to look at your overall financial situation in choosing how to best put this money to work.
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What Is Tax-Loss Harvesting?

by Aaron Hurd
Updated on October 13, 2022
5 Min Read
Tax-loss harvesting is a strategy that many investors use to offset the capital gains taxes that they may owe when they sell appreciated securities. Here’s an overview of tax-loss harvesting.
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What Are Stocks?

by Jessica Martel
Updated on October 13, 2022
5 Min Read
You’ve heard of the stock market and maybe you’ve even invested in a few stocks. But, do you really know what a stock is and how it works? Learn more.
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Investing in Multi-family Real Estate

by Holly Johnson
Updated on April 7, 2022
4 Min Read
Multi-family properties work similarly to investing into a single family home, yet there are some additional details (and potential hassles) to keep in mind.
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Best Investments to Hedge Against Inflation

by Chris Muller
Updated on March 13, 2022
7 Min Read
Inflation hedges protect your investment portfolio against the eroding effect of general price increases. This guide discusses the best inflation hedges.
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How to invest in REITs

by Lee Huffman
Updated on March 17, 2022
5 Min Read
Real estate investment trusts (REITs) diversify an investor's portfolio and provide income from the properties, mortgages, and investments owned by the trust.
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What is a REIT (Real Estate Investment Trust)?

by Holly Johnson
Updated on March 29, 2022
5 Min Read
REITs give you the option to invest in real estate without being a landlord. Find out how they work and why you should consider this type of investment.
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Best Investment Options

by Roger Wohlner
Updated on September 13, 2022
7 Min Read
The best investment options for 2022 or any other year are those that fit best with your financial and investing goals and risk tolerance.
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How to Invest in Bitcoin

by Chris Muller
Updated on January 13, 2022
9 Min Read
Bitcoin is a hot topic people are talking about it everywhere you look. Whether you have no idea what Bitcoin is or are just a little lost on how to invest, this guide is for you
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How to Invest in Real Estate

by Chris Muller
Updated on March 13, 2022
8 Min Read
Real estate investors can choose from various investment strategies. This guide looks at several ways to invest in property and generate ongoing returns.
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Asset Allocation Guide

by Roger Wohlner
Updated on January 13, 2022
8 Min Read
Asset allocation is about how you allocate your investments among stocks, bonds, cash and others. It's about balancing your potential return against the potential risks in your portfolio.
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What Are Mutual Funds?

by Chris Muller
Updated on December 13, 2021
11 Min Read
Mutual funds are versatile, accessible financial vehicles suitable for investors with low funds or little investment experience.
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12 Options Trading Strategies

by Roger Wohlner
Updated on January 13, 2022
10 Min Read
Options contracts allow the holder the right, but not the obligation to buy or sell stocks or other underlying securities. There are a number of strategies you can use.
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A Beginner's Guide to Short Selling

by Chris Muller
Updated on January 13, 2022
8 Min Read
Learn how short selling works and the risks associated with this type of trading. Read about what to do before you can start short selling stocks, where you can do it.
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How Does the Stock Market Work

by Jen Smith
Updated on January 11, 2022
6 Min Read
Stock market isn’t as confusing as people think. Besides the ways to buy and sell stock but at its core, the stock market is just a supermarket for investments.
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ETF vs. Mutual Fund

by Roger Wohlner
Updated on January 13, 2022
4 Min Read
Both ETFs and mutual funds offer a professionally managed investing vehicle for investors. Which one is best will depend upon the investor’s own unique situation. It’s important for investors to understand the pros and cons of each type of security when deciding where to invest.
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What Is the Average Stock Market Return?

by Jessica Martel
Updated on August 7, 2022
5 Min Read
While 10% is the historical average stock market return, you shouldn’t expect to see a similar return from your investments each year. Find out why.
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How to Invest in Oil

by Aaron Hurd
Updated on July 24, 2022
7 Min Read
This article discusses the many ways in which consumers can invest in oil, including futures, options, ETFs, ETNs, stocks and mutual funds.
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What Is a Dividend

by Sarah Li Cain
Updated on July 24, 2022
4 Min Read
When it comes to investing, learning what dividends are is important because it helps you understand how you get a return on your investment.
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How to Reduce or Avoid Capital Gains Taxes

by Roger Wohlner
Updated on January 13, 2022
7 Min Read
Capital gains arise when an investment is sold for more than its cost basis. Taxes are generally due on capital gains, though there are steps that investors can take to minimize the impact.
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Index Fund vs Mutual Fund: What’s the Difference?

by Roger Wohlner
Updated on December 13, 2021
7 Min Read
Which is a better investment, index funds or actively managed mutual funds? The answer is that it depends. It's important to understand the differences between the two.
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Are Condos a Good Investment?

by Jen Smith
Updated on March 13, 2022
7 Min Read
With real estate prices soaring, more investors are starting to ask “are condos a good investment?” They can be but there are many factors to consider.
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How To Buy Multifamily Homes

by Holly Johnson
Updated on April 6, 2022
9 Min Read
Multifamily homes can help investors boost cash flow while reducing vacancies. Find out how to source these properties for your portfolio.
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How to Buy IPO Stock at Its Offer Price

by Jen Smith
Updated on March 14, 2022
4 Min Read
For retail investors, getting shares at a company’s initial public offering, known as it’s IPO, can be tricky. Here’s how to buy IPO stock at its offer price.
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What is the Rule of 72?

by Roger Wohlner
Updated on March 13, 2022
4 Min Read
The rule of 72 is a quick way to estimate the time that would be needed to double your investment with a given interest rate or an estimated rate of return.
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How To Invest In Gold

by Roger Wohlner
Updated on January 13, 2022
7 Min Read
Gold has traditionally been a store of value and a hedge against inflation. Investing in gold can make sense for investors, but it’s important to understand how gold investing works and if it is right for you.
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Best Day Trading Platforms

by Roger Wohlner
Updated on January 13, 2022
8 Min Read
Day trading is not an activity to be taken lightly. A key element of success in day trading is using a broker that offers a platform with best execution, low costs and other features to help make you successful.
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Cash Account vs. Margin Account

by Chris Muller
Updated on December 13, 2021
4 Min Read
Find out the difference between cash accounts and margin accounts, their pros and cons, and how to decide which is right for you.
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Best Online Stock Brokers

by Chris Muller
Updated on December 13, 2021
8 Min Read
Are you looking to invest in stocks? You need the right platform to do it then. Pick the perfect broker for you right here. Learn how to pick one as well.
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